Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2 - Verse - 28

Formless before and after
Avyaktadeeni Bhootani Vyakta Madhyani Bharata
Avyakta Nidhananyeva Tatraka Paridevana

All beings in existence are formless in their origin. In the middle they become quantifiable beings in three dimensional life. After death too, they become formless and unquantifiable. This is the truth of existence. So why do you grieve oh Arjuna?
Before a child is born where was he or she and in what form. The child lives to become a youth, attains old age and then dies. After the death, where does that person go? When this is the truth for all creatures, where is the need to grieve over death, Krishna asks Arjuna.
- Swahilya Shambhavi. swahilya.soulmate@gmail.com


kitchenette soul said...

Very significant verses!

Bubbles in Existence!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes Parvathy...all of them!