Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 27

Birth follows death follows birth.....

Jaatasyahi Dhruvo Mrityuhu Dhruvam Janma Mritasya Cha
Tasmad Apariharyerthe Natwam Shochitum Arhasi
Translation: For the born, death is certain. For the dead, birth is certain. Therefore, you should not sorrow over the inevitable, Arjuna!
Birth happens in the heat of love, when cells fuse together to form a body. This is fed, clothed and educated with all the resources available in this world. The body and mind are by themselves composed of the five elements - the Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space and thoughts that belong to the world. Birth and life is a certain state where a combination of these elements find themselves together, stay for a particular period of time...several decades in the case of humans and dissolve and part ways at the time of death.
Birth and death follow each other says Krishna to Arjuna. This is an inevitable truth and there is no point in worrying about something that cannot be changed. - Swahilya Shambhavi (


Meena said...

How true! Once you really,really understand that death is not what it seems, then you cease to mourn. You will miss the physical presence, but the terrible grief will not be there.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

True Meena and now the New Age medical scientists such as Dr. Brian Weiss have proved this through the rationale of science that we have existed all along and will continue to exist!