Monday, May 26, 2008

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2- Verse 23

We take births just like we change clothes

Vasamsi Jeernani Yatha Vihayav Navaani Grunhati Naroparani
Tatha Shareerani Vihaya Jeernanyanyani Samyati Navani Dehi

We change our clothes every day. Sometimes, we change even several times a day and don't think much about it. In the same way, the conscious being wears a live garment of body, mind and intellect. When the garment gets old and unusable any more, the consciousness removes that garment and goes ahead to wear a new one.

The bodies that we all have are nothing but clothes of different sizes, shapes and colours. The individual wearing the all is the one pure consciousness. - Swahilya Shambhavi (


Merging Point said...

Beautiful picture and the post!

When the flowers are dried, go for a new arrangement(may not be same set of flowers), the vase remains the same. Attimes, it remains empty too and yet so complete by itself.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

yes merging point!