Friday, January 13, 2012

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter II - 63

The loop of error
Krodhath Bhavati Sammohaha Sammohath Smriti Vibhramaha|
Smritibhramshath Buddhi Nashaha Buddhi Nashath Pranashyati||

In continuation of the trail of destruction from desire, mentioned in the previous verse, Sri Krishna says that from anger arises delusion. Anger hides the intellect and does not make the person experience reality as it is. If you are angry with someone, then even if that person is trying to help you, you will perceive that person is against you and get more angry. When there is delusion, your memory gets corrupted. You do not remember the situations and people correctly, but as your deluded mind dictates you to remember. When the memory becomes corrupt, the intellect which makes decisions based on past memory is not having the right tools to make the correct decisions. It takes the wrong decisions because the input for its choices are wrong. When the intellect is destroyed, then everything is destroyed. You make the wrong choices and face the wrong consequences and this loop of wrong thought, wrong action and wrong results continues ininterrupted. - Swahilya Shambhavi.


Anonymous said...

thank you for 'bamboo wisdom'. But why has it not progressed anymore from chapter 2-63 posted last in jan. 13 2012. Missing the simple and beautiful explanation of the gita verses. Can we expect it to continue anymore? Thank once again for this and 'aham'

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Anonymous, Thanks or your reminder. Sure will continue.Namaste.

Anonymous said...

appreciate your prompt response.can understand if you are hard pressed for time. can wait as and when you post them. heartfelt thanks!