Win or lose it is win win!
Hato Va Prapsyasi Swargam Jitwa Va Bhokshyase MahimTasmad Utthishtha Kaunteya Yuddhaya Kritanischayaha
Oh son of Kunti - Kaunteya! If you are killed in this battle you will reach heaven. If you win this battle, you will enjoy the kingdom acquired. So please firm up your resolve to fight, and get up.
Sri Krishna's words highlight the need today for giving yourself fully in the present moment and act. Any work done in the present moment, with total awareness will benefit the individual, whether the action leads to success or becomes a flop. It is while giving one's full self in the present moment that the mind gets evolved and fine-tuned. This is the only benefit of any action and not the result of any action. - Swahilya Shambhavi.