Monday, January 21, 2008

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 1 - Verses: 35 - 36

Self Pity

Etanna Hantumicchami Ghnatopi Madhusudhana
Api Trailokya Rajyasya Hetoh Kim Nu Mahi Krite
Nihatya Dhartharashtrannaha Ka Preeti syajjanardana
Papamevashrayedasman Hatwaita Natatayinaha
Hey Madhusudhana, even if I am killed, I do not desire to kill. If I don't wish to become the king of even the three worlds - much less can be said about this kingdom on the earth!
Oh Janardhana, what joy can we experience after all, after killing the sons of Dhritarashtra.
The lamentation of Arjuna now gives way to self pity. And when analysing all the needs, not to fight, justifying himself, he begins to list his reasons. that he does not wish for the three worlds, leave alone the earth.
Even though it is not a sin to kill those who commit heinous crimes, he argues that he is not going to get joy out of killing them. Moreover, only sin will come out of it, he believes.
When we set a difficult goal or target, there is a sudden wish to backtrack and we rationalise our decision by saying that we don't after all want to achieve any ambitious goals.
While suggesting that he is not going to derive any joy out of fighting in the war, Arjuna forgets that he is the defender of the dignity of the Pandavas and not there to experience any personal joy. It is a classic case of one who lets personal emotions with relationships blind his sense of duty. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
(Picture: Sri Krishna is the role model for many today, after several thousands of years since he lived. This little child dressed up as Krishna for a dance performance at the Pongal Vizha of the Chicago Tamil Sangam, USA.)

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