Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bhagavad Gita - II : 59

Nothing moves within

Vishaya Vinivartante Niraharasya Dehinaha|
Rasavarjam Rasopyasya Param Drishtva Nivartate||
When a man of steady wisdom has an intellect rooted in consciousness, there is a cerebral transformation that happens. While for a person who does not subject himself to sensory stimuli through the organs of perception and action, the drive or energy still is ready to function when the input is given. In a man of steady wisdom, who has experienced the supreme truth, even this driving force whithin that causes enjoyment or repulsion when subject to sensory stimuli ceases to exist. - Swahilya Shambhavi (Pix: Swahilya Shambhavi - Anaikatti.)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bhagavad Gita - II: 58

Draw in like a tortoise

Yada samharate Chayam Kurmonganeeva Sarvashaha|
Indriyaneendriyarthebhyaha Tasya Pragnya Pratishtitha||

Just as a tortoise draws all parts of its body into the shell in times of danger, if a human being is able to withdraw his sense organs of smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing and the sense organs of action - hands, feet, speech, reproduction and excretion at times when they are not needed to be used, such a person becomes rooted in consciousness. - Swahilya Shambhavi

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bhagavad Gita - II - 57

Rooted in consciousness

Yahsarvatraanabhisnehaha Tattathprapya Shubhashubham|
Nabhinandati Nadweshti Tasya Pragnya Pratishthitha||

One who does not rest his affections everywhere and in every person or thing, the one who does not feel overjoyed while attaining to the pleasant and auspicious and does not express hate in encountering the unpleasant or inauspicious experiences, that person's intellect is well rooted in awareness. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Bhagavad Gita - !! - 56

One in sorrow and joy

Duhkheshwanidwignamanaha sukheshu vigathaspruhaha|
Veetha raaga bhaya krodhaha sthithadheermuniruchyate||

When faced by sorrow, the one who does not get disturbed in mind and when faced by joyous moments - the one who is not elated by that too and the one who is cut off from attachment, fear and anger is one of steady intellect. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bhagavad Gita - II 55

A man of steady intellect

Sri Bhagavan Uvacha
Prajahathi Yada Kaman Sarvan Partha Manogathan|
Athmanyevathmana Tushtaha Sthithapragnyasthadochyate||

Dear Partha, when someone abandons all the desires of the mind and is satisfied in just being with the atman, that person is called a Sthitha Pragnya. Desires in different directions disturb the mind and make it unsteady. A Sthitha Pragnya is one whose mind is totally contained without going in the different directions of individual desires. Such a person has a steady mind called Sthitha Pragnya. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bhagavad Gita - II - 54

Arjuna's question

Sthitha Pragnyasya Ka Bhasha Samadhistasya Keshava|
Sthitha Dheehi Kim Prabhashetha Kimaseetha Vrajetha Kim||

India prides itself today on many of its ancient discoveries - the concept of zero, the science of flying airplanes - Vaimanika Shastram etc. But the greatest discovery it offers to the world is this knowledge of the self, through the words of the Bhagavad Gita and other books.
Arjuna asks Sri Krishna, "What is the description of a person of steady wisdom or an illumined mind? What is the nature of his steady intellect? A man with rooted intellect - how does he speak? How does he sit and walk?
Arjuna here asks Krishna to give the gross details of a man of steady wisdom - such as appearance, body language, speech and thought patterns. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Bhagavad Gita - II - 53

Rooting the head deep

Shrutivipratipanna te yada sthasyathi Nishchala|
Samadhavachala Buddhihi Tada Yogamavapsyasi||

When the intellect that is being fed constantly by the mind with conflicting thoughts and images, stands without movement rooted deeply in consciousness, at that time you achieve the state of yoga, says Sri Krishna.
In any crisis, the sense organs feed the mind with numerous thoughts - Oh! this is happening now. There is just Rs. 70 in my bank account. I have so many bills to pay and so many things to buy. How am I going to manage that?
All that time, if the intellect takes the decision to root itself in consciousness, then the state of yoga or connectivity with the universal consciousness is achieved.
- Swahilya Shambhavi.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Bhagavad Gita - Chapter II - Vs. 52

Transcend the delusory mind

Yada Te Moha Kalilam Buddhivyati tarishyati|
Tada Gantasi Nirvedam Shrotavyasya Shrutasyacha||

Whe your intellect transcends the mixture of illusion, then you remain untouched by the experiences of all that you have heard and are yet to hear about. When the intellect is rooted in purity, transcending the mind, then nothing seen, heard or experienced affects its stability. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II: Verse - 51

Freedom from births and deaths

Karmajam Buddhi Yuktahi Phalam Tyaktva Maneeshinaha|
Janma Bandha Vinirmukthaha Padam Gacchantyanamayam||

The beings endowed with an intellect that is united with the essence within will renounce the results of their actions. By doing this, they become free from the cycle of births and deaths and reach that state of mind which is changeless.
- Swahilya Shambhavi.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II - Verse - 50

Unite the intellect with the divine

Buddhiyukto Jayateeha Ubhe Sukrita Dushkrite|
Tasmaad Yogaaya Yujyasva Yogah Karma Sukaushalam||

The three important words in this verse has been taken as the motto of the Indian Administrative Service - Yogah Karma Sukaushalam.
Doing one's action well unto perfection is Yoga. With the intellect connected to the divine within in Yoga, and not being concerned about the effect of one's action good or bad, but focussing 100 per cent on the action itself is yoga, says Sri Krishna.
You strive towards doing action in such a state of yoga, exhorts Sri Krishna to Arjuna, pointing out to him that Yoga is nothing but skill in action. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II : Verse 49

Soak the intellect in consciousness

Doorenahyavaram Karma Buddhi Yoga Dhananjaya|
Buddhau Sharanaman Viccha Kripanah Phalahetavaha||

Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that pitiable is the person who does actions in expectation of results. It is definitely far inferior to the action done with the intellect united with the divine and held in a state of surrender. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II - Verse - 48

Stand in yoga and do your work
Yogasthah Kuru Karmani Sangam Tyakthwa Dhananjaya
Sidhya Siddhyo Samo Bhuthwa Samathwam Yoga Uchyate
Standing steadily in yoga, with your individual consciousness connected with the consciousness in every moment oh Arjuna, do your duties without attaching yourself to the results of your actions. The result can be currently favourable or unfavourable. If you get either excited by the benefits or put off by the disconcerting results, the disturbed mind will affect the action happening in the present moment.
Accepting victory and defeat on an equal plane, forge ahead as this equanimity of mind is only called yoga, says Sri Krishna to Arjuna. - Swahilya Shambhavi.