Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 2: Verses 24-25

Cannot be cleaved, know this
Acchedyoyam Adahyoyam Akledyoshoshya Eva Cha
Nithyas Sarvagatah Sthanuhu Achaloyam Sanathanaha
(chapter -2, Verse 24)
Avyakthoyam Achinthyoyam Avikaryoyamuchyathe
Tasmadeva Vidithvainam Nanushochitumarhasi
(chapter -2, Verse 25)

The consciousness cannot be cleaved, it cannot be burnt, cannot be made wet, nor can it be dried. It is eternal and everywhere. It cannot be moved. It is motionless and has always existed and will ever exist. Consciousness is not any manifestation of thought, words or actions. It cannot be conceived by the mind. Sri Krishna says that "it is said that it cannot be modified." He then tells Arjuna, "Therefore, having known that this consciousness is the eternal truth of everything and person, one should not mourn in this manner," (referring to his sorrow over having to kill his cousins, friends and teachers in the war.) - Swahilya Shambhavi (swahilya.soulmate@gmail.com)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 2, verse - 23

Nothing can hurt or maul
Nainam Chindanti Shasthrani Nainam Dahati Pavakaha
Nachainam Kledayanthyapaha Nashoshayati Marutaha
A weapon can pass through a body and damage it. But swirl a knife through space and nothing happens to the space. A lighted fire can burn paper or other material things, but it cannot burn the space in which it burns. Water has the capacity to turn things wet, but it cannot wet the space through which it flows. The air can dry things it comes in contact with. Though it moves in space, it cannot dry it by any chance. The consciousness that we call God is like the space and subtler than that too. Nothing touches it, though it is present in everything. - Swahilya Shambhavi (swahilya.soulmate@gmail.com)